Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Integrating Technology

Integrating technology involves more than incorporating tools into instruction.  It also involves engaging students.  According to the article, How to Integrate Technology, the first step will require you to change your approach to teaching.  The teacher will no longer be the focus of attention.  The dynamics of the classroom will change.  One of the hindrances to technology integration is limited computer access. One may think it will be difficult to integrate technology with one computer. Even though you may have one computer, you can still create lessons that didn’t exist before. This results in a student-centered learning environment.  The article gives various educational websites that can be used with different technologies.

Why Blog?

An instructor who uses blogs in her English course details why it is beneficial to her course.  According to the article, Rationale for Educational Blogging, it teaches students how to write for a public audience and read effectively.  Students will be engaging media and need to know how to navigate the web in the Digital Age.  Students will be able to connect and relate to the content discussed rather than see it simply as facts to be learned.

There are various Web 2.0 tools that can enhance instruction. I have asked students to work in teams to create multimedia presentations, but never a blog.  This course has showed me how the use of blogs can enhance instruction.  It promotes collaboration as well as exploration. It also gives students a voice.  Teachers should incorporate more Web 2.0 technologies to prepare students to function in the 21st Century.  Working collaboratively as well as using technology is a skill that will be required in the work force.   To see a list of tools to enhance learning, visit  11 Tools for the 21st Century Learner.


  1. Integrating Technology appropriately seems to be one of the challenges with all the next technology being created. As teachers, it is our responsibility to create and teach meaningful lessons. Technology is a wonderful resource that can be used to create meaningful lessons. How to Integrate Technology was a really great article for teachers who struggle with implementing technology successfully. Before I was exposed to promethean boards and other types of technology, I had a completely different style of teaching. Now, since I have access to this great technology, I have noticed that my teaching has changed. I often reflect on my lessons because I want to make sure that I am still providing my students with the best possible education.

  2. Mel, I love how you started by saying that in order to be successful the teacher will need to reevaluate his or her teaching method. I believe that this is one of the reasons why more seasoned teachers have difficulty embracing the idea of using technology in instruction. It is hard to change practices that are second nature to them, after doing them for so many years. I know, personally, that after teaching the same course for over six years, that it can be easy to fall into old routines and ruts. However, it is essential for us to always continue reflecting on our teaching and pushing ourselves to improve with time. I have to force myself to go back and modify old lessons to keep them more current and up to date. As you said, we should use what becomes available to "enhance learning". What worked in the past, will not necessarily work the same now. Students should take on a more personal role in the course and take ownership of their own learning. Web 2.0 tools make them active, rather than passive members of the discussion.

  3. 2.0 is a great resource! I have a few articles about it myself. Students play more of an active role in the classroom when technology is involved. More group discussions, group and individual work and/or research. Students grades appear to be higher when different technologies and/or projects are involved.

    Classes that are just test and lectures are useless. Students will not retain information for a long period of time. Having student discuss different topics with other and create a project, will help them learn and retain information.

    Great Post!
